2017 North American IPv6 Summit

nav6tf.logo_The North American IPv6 Summit was held in Sunnyvale last month. It is always a pleasure to be in a large room with people who get it. There is no convincing that we need to give up our comfortable Linus-blanket of IPv4 for something new and different. No, everyone in the room is a convert, and many are outspoken advocates.

The conference was organized by the regional IPv6 Task Forces on the mainland: California IPv6 Task ForceRocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force, Texas IPv6 Task Force, and Mexico IPv6 Task Force.

Speakers, shakers and movers

Some of the speakers were:

  • Tony Scott, the former CIO of the Unitied States of America
  • John Curran, the President and CEO of ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers)
  • Kevin Jones, Chair for IPv6 transition at NASA
  • John Brzozowski, Chief Architect, IPv6 and Fellow,  at Comcast


Major Points

So if everyone is a convert, there’s nothing to talk about, right? Actually there are quite a few things. Some of the key points made at this year’s conference were:

  • Dual-stack is only half way. We need to start moving to IPv6-only networks. There were presentations on how Cisco, Microsoft, and Comcast are doing just that.
  • IPv6 impacts on Cloud Computing, and IoT. A case study of BC Hydro operating 2 million smart meters (IoT) all  on IPv6.
  • Content is being delivered over IPv6, thanks to CDN (Content Delivery Networks), like Akamai and Cloudfare, fronting IPv4-only legacy sites.
  • Microsoft adds SLAAC capability to Windows 10Creator Update (11 April 2017). Now it is possible to have Windows and Android on the same SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Config) IPv6-only network!

Missed it? Here’s the presentations

Thanks to all the volunteers of the regional task forces, and Linked-in for hosting the conference. The presentations are posted online, in case you didn’t make it down to Sunnyvale last week. Hope to see you there next time.

This post previously appeared on ipv6-net.blogspot.ca

Author: Craig Miller

IPv6 Advocate since 1998